Thursday, February 27, 2020

In Much Ado about Nothing, what is the relationship between female Essay

In Much Ado about Nothing, what is the relationship between female power and language - Essay Example The researcher states that in the play â€Å"Much Ado about Nothing† Shakespeare uses language to bring out the message passed on to the audience. Power of language is used in the comedy. He uses wooing, destroys, and gives bad reputation then he restores honor. Shakespeare also teaches of the social life and structure. He informs us that there is a gap or conflict between women and men. They do not coexist peacefully at all. In the comedy men treat women differently. Women do not have a position in society. This is seen in the part where a man like Don John who deceives a prince in order to defame the honor of a woman. This indicates or shows the problems in the power status and structure of social co-existence. When the relationship of Beatrice and Benedick is put into consideration in â€Å"Much ado† one of the most crucial themes is around gender, roles according to gender and the dissimilarities between women and men. It is sarcastic that a low ranking member of th e society is the one who exposes the bad habit of Don John and his coconspirators (Wick 4). Don John is totally different from his fellow Don Pedro and Claudio, who are very protective male. When they are exposed to Leonato we are able to see the male pride of Conrad and Borachio. Shakespeare is able to bring to us the reality that those men of high status in society, and full of pride are the ones who treat women. Through Shakespeare, it is seen that most people who have bad behavior hide in the dark thinking that what they do can never be discovered. They abuse other people in the name of securing their pride. Shakespeare teaches the audience to criticize the language, role, and even the misuse of the Queen’s English. It is therefore leant that, those who bare false witness intentionally to hurt others end up being unhappy, and end up taking measure that are desperate in order to cover their naked bad behavior. This is a lesson that encourages people to be morally upright, and not use their powers to demean others. Another teaching is of being a hero. Beatrice still marries Claudio after wrongfully being accused of cheating. In another way this can be seen as she did not only do it though love, but to restore honor and faithfulness. This is considered as restoring her social status. Social status is also seen when Benedick has to kill Claudio in order to marry Beatrice. He accepts the challenge so as not to be considered a coward. Women are portrayed accurately in the play. There is the covering of stereotypes of women in the play. All the characters that are female have personalities that are widely varied. This helps to avoid the woman from being too humorous or patronizing. A range of different relationships are formed in the play. All this is due to a variety of social prominence and personalities. The base of this relationship is on sexes that are different. This is male and female. There are also other battles like relationships, conflict and de ceit. Women are seen to be present in all these themes. Many lines are interpreted in diverse ways that show meaning to reflect what is really happening in society. The female characters who are present in the play are Margaret, Hero, Ursula and Beatrice. All of them have personalities that are different. These personalities differ in one way or another. All of these characters that are female and they do not fit in the society of Shakepeare.They are therefore created to add hilarity, contrast or satire. One of them who does not fit and Shakespeare uses her to maximum is Beatrice. In the first scene of the play ,Beatrice is introduced as a woman who is very clever and humorous. She is known to gamble with words in order to prove her point. She is known to be very argumentative

Monday, February 10, 2020

Critique Of Script 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critique Of Script 2 - Essay Example The target audience who is in the American society will therefore identify with the story line with coercion. The story line is great and equally entertaining, however, the author does not employ a lot of descriptive language in the script. The story entails an eye witness giving an account of his observation. This does not meet the required threshold and as the script continues it becomes evident that the help of the eye witness was insignificant. It is understandable that they eye witness maybe affected by shock or may never relate the entire scenario as expected but the author does not effectively describe the eye witness as such and therefore leaves the audience guessing on the actual occurrence of the scene. However, the general description is satisfactory thereby earning him an above average score. The author performs exceptionally well in his selection of characters. The American society is constituted of various pressure groups some of which identify discrimination even before an author would possibly think of any. However, the author beats this by balancing his author composition effectively. One of the lead characters in the story, Laura is a woman (Marty 2). Additionally, there are a number of other women characters as the story progresses. This is an indication that the author gave adequate considerations to the gender balance. Additionally, there are other types of racial combination of the American population; the author considers this by using a number of African American characters alongside other marginalized community such as Asians alongside the American whites. This balance in demographic factors of population earns him a nine out of the all possible ten. This being a script, it is obvious of the type of style that the audience expects the author to use. He achieves this by making use of dialogues all in the present tense. This is a basic test that the experienced author easily passes.