Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Teachers Guide to the Holocaust - 843 Words

The holocaust was one of the low points in the history of mankind anywhere from 8,437,000 to 12,702,000 people were executed in the period of 1942-1945. That is killing 2,109,250 to 3,175,500 people a year! A majority of the people familiar with the Holocaust think that only Jewish people were persecuted when in fact there were many more groups of people, these groups included Slavs, Serbs, Soviet POWs, Romani people, colored people, the disabled, homosexuals, Freemasons, Spanish republicans, Gypsies, the mentally ill, and Jehovahs witnesses. These people were executed because they proposed a threat to the Great Nation, taking up space and land that Germany needed, were believed to be the cause of a problem, the wrong political, racial, religious reasons, distrust, suspicion, not being genetically pure, contrary wholesome popular sentiment, having Jewish ideology, refusing to pledge to German alliance, having succumbed to the Jews, or being in France when it fell. The Nazis were a ho rribly corrupted group that was looking for answers and a way to rebuild after the devastation of WWI. Hitler realized that as long as he had some sort of answer to the cause of Germanys new debt, and a powerful group on his side he could convince the rests of Germany to agree with his views. This is why the Jewish group is the most mourned of all that were persecuted, because they were the primary scapegoat of the Germans problems. In my eyes the Jewish group shouldnt be seen as the onlyShow MoreRelatedJewish Life in Holocaust Tony Burtrum833 Words   |  3 PagesJewish life in the Holocaust Even though manny where persecuted, the Jews had the most hardship in life during the holocaust. Millions were killed or died from other causes. The Jews were considered an outcast. They had to live in ghettos, be sent to work camps, and even have their own child inform the government about them. The Jews had to live in an area of housing known as a Ghetto. This is were the government took a group of Jews and put them into a dirty housing community. Disease outbreaksRead MoreThe Nazi Observatory 1093 Words   |  5 Pagesmistreatment so they let it unconfirmed (â€Å"Holocaust†). When the U.S. government got confirmed information of the concentration camps, gad chambers, death rows, and hash treatments the government kept it classified. When the British Prim Minister Winston Churchill decided to make a stand by having the death camp at Auschwitz to be bombed he was ignored. If he wasn’t ignored and the railroads leading to the camp were bombed it would have saved thousands of lives (â€Å"Holocaust†). Under pressure, President RooseveltRead MoreThe Holocaust: Why the Jews?712 Words   |  3 PagesThe holocaust was a traumatic event that took millions of lives. Hitler led the holocaust in an attempt to single out the Jewish race for genocide. He thought they were unclean. My history teacher said, at first he didn’t want to kill them but send them elsewhere. He wanted to ship all the Jews off to Madagascar (â€Å"Sanders†). Hitler strongly believed that Jews would be the downfall of the Germans. Hitler hated the Jews and blamed them for the loss of WWI. He called the plan to exterminate the JewsRead MoreHolocaust: A Result of Racism764 Words   |  3 PagesHolocaust: A Result of Racism The Holocaust is a part of history that always brings sadness to many and unanswered questions. The word â€Å"holocaust† is from Greek origin and it means â€Å"sacrifice by fire.† The Holocaust was the persecution and murder of about six million Jews including around 1.5 million Jewish children by the Nazi regime between the years 1933 – 1945. Racism played a vital role and was the main reason for the slaughtering of millions of Jews during this time in history. Jews were notRead MoreEssay on German Genocide Target 841 Words   |  4 Pages It is hard to picture that along with others that, 6 million Jews were targeted and killed during the Holocaust. It is astonishing to realize how racist and cruel the Nazis acted towards the Jews. According to A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust, once Hitler was in control of the German government â€Å"he translated his harsh feeling toward Jews into many policies and statutes which eroded the rights of Germ an Jews from 1933-1939† (â€Å"Victims†). The anti-Jewish racist legislation passed The NurembergRead MoreGenocide of the Jewish Race: An Unthinkable Act800 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is it defined as? According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, genocide is defined as any crime committed with intent to destroy, in whole or part, a national, ethnical, or religious group. The Holocaust, during WWII, is one of the largest acts of genocide in human history resulting in an unfathomable amount of deaths of the Jewish race(Holocaust Encyclopedia). According to the Holocaust Museum Houston, over 5,800,000 Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Communists, trade unionists, socialistsRead MoreTargeting Jews for Genocide Essay903 Words   |  4 PagesTargeting Jews for Genocide When discussing The Holocaust, our minds tend to jump straight to the genocide of the Jewish populations of Europe. This is because of the approximate 11 million people killed during The Holocaust; roughly 6 million of them were Jews. Many people are now left to wonder why Hitler and the Nazi Party specifically targeted the Jews for genocide. The main reason was because the Nazi Party took the idea of nationalism to an extreme, new level. Hitler also thought the JewsRead MoreThe Holocaust: Non-Jewish Victims884 Words   |  4 Pagescountry be dominant in a political sense, but that his ‘perfect race’, the ‘Aryans,’ would be dominant in a cultural sense. His steps to achieving his goal came in the form of the Holocaust. The most well known victims of the Holocaust were of course, the Jews. However, approximately 11 million people were killed in the holocaust, and of those, there were only 6 million Jews killed. The other 5 million people were the Gypsies, Pols, Political Dissidents, Handicapped, Jehovah’s witnesses, Homosexuals andRead MoreVictims of Persecution and Muder in the Holocaust854 Words   |  3 PagesWhen the single word of holocaust is mentioned, it reminds us of the horrible genocide that took place. Many people in our world today are aware that the Jewish race was a major target in the holocaust, but what about the others who played a role in persecution? Even though the Jewish population is known to be the main victims of persecution and gruesome murder under the Nazi regime, it is not much mentioned of the others who took part in genocide. According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, during theRead MoreRacism During the Holocaust824 Words   |  3 PagesFrom 1933 through 1945 was a period of history called the Holocaust. During the Holocaust, people were being killed for their looks, race, and disability. About 11 million people were killed in brutal and tragic ways. Adolf Hitler, the leader, wanted to creat e a pure race. Racism helped Hitler organize the population into the way he wanted. He wanted people to support the cause of making a pure race. If people opposed, they would be persecuted. Racism allowed Hitler to influence the German

Saturday, December 21, 2019

how to raise a child Essay - 647 Words

Amy Chuas article Why Chinese Mothers are Superior appeared in the Wall Street Journal on January 8, 2011. When this article was published the controversy began. One article in argument to Amy Chuas was James Bernard Murphys article In Defense of Being a Kid which also appeared in the Wall Street Journal on February 9, 2011. Murphy contends by stating Amy Chuas method of how to raise a child will do nothing but turn children into neurotic, self-absorbed and unhappy adults. James Murphy, author of In Defense of Being a Kid and professor of government at Dartmouth College argues that children should live childhood and enjoy childhood innocence, not be pressured or forced to prepare for their adulthood†¦show more content†¦I disagree because that is exactly how I grew up. Yes we did have responsibilities on the farm, but when chores were done we did what we wanted to do. We were taught what was right and what was wrong. I believe if you are raised with good morals, resp ect for yourself and others you can be very successful. I feel the drive to succeed comes from a supportive family and the want to be successful at what you love to do, not what you are forced to do. Murphy uses logic with the comparison of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and Jesus. Two of which did not have the same beliefs of children. I disagree with Aristotle when he said no child is happy, the only time a child is happy is when they have thoughts of the achievements as an adult. When a child is given space it gives them the opportunity to imagine, to think outside of the box and capable for intellectual activity. We have to encourage and embrace their uniqueness and imagination or as Jesus did praise our children. I strongly agree with Murphys fourth thought, We forget that most of us produced our best art, asked our deepest philosophical questions, and most readily mastered new gadgets when we were mere children. (Murphy 279) As children we are more carefre e and have lessShow MoreRelatedChildraising687 Words   |  3 Pages The way to raise a child is different form the three texts. The topic of the three texts is freedom and love. It is how you chose to interpret the texts. I think it is love because every parents use love to raise their Childs. To have a mother who decide everything in your childhood. To parents who give you all the space you need to be free and live your childhood completely. The three texts are just some few examples of raise a child. You cannot find a guide to raise a child. To have a â€Å"tigerRead MoreEssay on Babies in the Workplace927 Words   |  4 Pagesallowing, some are even encouraging, their employees to bring their newborn babies to work with them. This is probably one of the greatest changes in child care norms that this country has seen in the past 30 years. Once upon a time, when a woman had a baby she almost always quit her job to raise her child, depending on her husband to support her and her child. Then along came the idea of maternity leave. This is when a woman takes a certain amount of time off to be with newborn. Once this time periodRead MoreParenting : The Right Way1220 Words   |  5 Pagespreference on how they want to raise their children, some more strict then others but all attempting to get their children ready for the â€Å"real world† as some call it. There are three types of parenting, all very different; one being permissive, another being authoritative, and the last being authoritarian. Often parents are known to suggest ideas to other parents on how they should discipline, which more times than not is taken offensively. Many people argue which is the better way to raise a well-manneredRead MoreEssay on Parenting Styles and How They Affect Your Children951 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Are the Parenting Styles and How Do They Affect Your Child? How a parent raises their child can affect the child later on in life. There are four parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and neglectful (uninvolved). Each of these parenting styles can affect a child in some way. Some parenting styles have more negative outcomes than others. Some have both positive and negative outcomes. The authoritarian parenting style is a style in which the parent has the only say. ThisRead MoreParenting Styles And Their Influence On Children1264 Words   |  6 PagesIn some point of your life you may become a parent but just because you have a child or children does not mean you have the fundamentals of being a good parent. Raising children you should be ready to teach, construct develop have conformity in the home and nature skills into your child so they are ready for society and the world in their near future. When parenting a child there are serval ways to raise children. Many parents prefer different methods over others. Some parenting styles are use moreRead MoreShould Parents Raise Their Kids?869 Words   |  4 PagesAlthough, the government has certain policies when it comes to how parents raise their kids, there have been many instances where in my opinion the government goes overboard. The government should not be able to dictate to parents on how they should be rais ing their my opinion, parents should be able to raise their kids however way they want without the government interfering. Parents have different ways of raising their children and they should be allowed to do so however they want to doRead MoreOryx And Crake Character Profile1256 Words   |  6 Pagesthe world and life while many other characters lack intelligence and morals. If my child were to be taken care of by one character in this book I would pick the character to help my child grow and develop in the best way possible. There are many choices of characters to raise this child, Jimmy, Snowman, Crake, and Oryx. But, I would choose Snowman, the futuristic version of the character Jimmy, to raise my child. There are many reasons why I would choose Snowman, but there are also many reasonsRead MoreIneffective Parents in Todays Society Essay795 Words   |  4 Pageshit, particularly for youth. The song was about how parents just didnt understand the trends and the wa y life was in those days for kids. Smith told about situations he had with his parents and his audience could easily relate to these situations, thus, making the song a hit. Smith was right on track with part of his message. Parents just dont understand. They do not understand that their job as parents is to pay attention to how they raise their children. Though there are parents who doRead MoreSingle Parents Can Raise Succesful, Happy, Healthy Children Essay1092 Words   |  5 PagesCan a Single Parent Raise a Successful Child? What is considered societies common family dynamic is no longer the norm however, are the single family children of today destined for failure? For centuries studies have claimed that children that are raised in a home with both a father and a mother, do better that children who are raised by a single parent. They claim that a single parent cannot raise a successful child. Researches claim that children in single parent homes do not do well in school Read MoreThe Article On Love, And Maybe Lose, A Foster Child By Maghan Moravcik Walbert928 Words   |  4 PagesMaybe Lose, a Foster Child† by Maghan Moravcik Walbert relates to marriage and family because it is about a child in a foster care system and a family trying to get the child by going through court systems. Their biological son is very attached to the foster child and sees him as his own sibling. The family buys the foster child everything he needs for like his birthday, Christmas, and first day of school clothing. The foster child does not live with them but they would tell him how much they love and

Friday, December 13, 2019

“Hunger” from a Scientific Biopsychological Perspective Free Essays

The term â€Å"bio† means life and â€Å"logos† means study. The word biology can thus be defined as the study of life. The study of physiological bases of behavior is known as Biological psychology. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Hunger† from a Scientific Biopsychological Perspective or any similar topic only for you Order Now Biological psychology is the study in three ways namely the comparative method, Physiology and Investigation of inheritance. In the comparative method a number of different species are studied and then the results are compared and are related in order to understand the human behavior. Physiology basically focuses on how the brain functions, how the nervous system and hormones work and how their functions affect human behavior. The Investigation of inheritances focuses on how the mechanism of inheritance works. This paper will shed light on hunger from a scientific biopsychological perspective. When level of glycogen in the liver fall below a certain point, a feeling is experienced by an animal which is known as hunger. The organ responsible for originating this unpleasant feeling is the hypothalamus part of the brain. The hypothalamus alarms the liver and the stomach through the sense receptors. Animals can basically be divided into three major categories namely the carnivores, the herbivores and the omnivores. Though they all belong to same parent class but there eating habits are pretty different. Carnivores are basically meat eaters. They generally live on live foods. The biological reason behind this is because they have large mouth and very sharp teeth. This allows them to easily get a hold on their prey and tear off the huge pieces of flesh. The short intestinal tract and the huge stomach is perfect for them to hold even an entire big fish. Carnivores prefer to eat meat because there digestive system basically lacks the ability to digest vegetable matter. Even if they try to live on vegetable they won’t be able to survive for long because there body won’t be absorbing any nutrients. As carnivores have a huge stomach. They don’t have to eat food very frequently as there serving size is usually very huge. A lion is an example of carnivore. Herbivores on the other hand are totally opposite to carnivores. The proper diet for herbivores consists of plants, algae and fruits. They have adaptive themselves according to the biology of their body. There specialized intestines makes their body capable of breaking down matter. They have flat teeth through which they grind food before swallowing. The herbivores must have to eat frequently because their stomach lacks the ability to hold large volumes of food. They need to take meals several times a day and there serving size is usually very small. An example of a herbivore is a zebra. Omnivores can eat almost anything. They can vegetables and meat. Their teeth and digestive are made in such a way that they can adapt themselves to have the properties of both the omnivore and the herbivore. An example of an omnivores are humans. The part of the brain responsible for stimulating hunger is the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus can be divided into areas namely the lateral hypothalamus and the ventro hypothalamus. The lateral hypothalamus is the part that makes you feel hungry where as the ventromedial hypothalamus is the part that make you feel full and satisfied. When a person is eating a big meal and believes he no more has the capacity to eat more, the ventromedial hypothalamus is doing the job to indicate you. Signal impulses are generated by the hypothalamus at appropriate times in order to indicate that when to eat and when to stop. The hypothalamus is trained to maintain a certain optimal body weight. If the body weight falls below the marginal line, the hypothalamus lowers the metabolic rate and when we eat it tells the body to stop eating and increases the metabolic rate to burn excess foods. The neurotransmitter also effects are eating habits. The neurotransmitters that have relation with hunger is serotonin and dopamine. The serotonin is basically a neurotransmitter that keeps us happy. When we feel good, our body suppresses hunger. People who are usually depressed tend to put on weight because they feel hungry all the time. Dopamine neurotransmitter is also dependant on amino acids in the body. Dopamine levels can affect your body weight. A low dopamine level means that you’re less likely to consume amino acids in the body. As a result, there is more intake of carbohydrates and other fats and then you put on weight because you feel hungry. The processed or packaged food has certain chemical in them that effect your neurotransmitters levels in the body and thus you get hunger pangs. The hormones that affect our appetite and hunger is Ghrelin. Ghrelin levels increase before meals and lower down after meals. Gherlin has been discovered as the first hunger circulating hormone. www. soc. ucsb. edu) Obesity is a disease in which body consumes a lot of fat and chronic imbalances takes place. Science has proved that genes do play a role in obesity. Genes that are related to obesity can effect the metabolic rate. They could also affect human behavior, changing our lifestyles and increasing the risk of being obese. Science has proved that some genes control appetie. Such genes make us less able to sense when a feeling full where are as some genes make our bodies more responsive to food by affecting our sense of taste, smell or sight of food. Some genes make us feel lazy and less active and as result people put on weight. Epigenetic is a birth given to a new science. Epigenetic basically involve the study of gene activity in which though they do not involve alterations to the genetic code but can still be passed down to at least one successive generation. The cellular material for expressing these gene patterns is known as epigenome. (www. britannica. com) Both nature and nurture have affects on our diet and body size. The evolutionary factors that basically shape the genetics that we inherit from our parents and ancestors is known as Nature. Things that influence us since we were born is nurture. The range of human potential is basically determined by nature where as the ways in which the human potential is actualized is determined by nurture. Your diet and body size is affected both by the nature and the nurture. Parents that are usually tall are mostly likely to have kids that are going to be tall. This is genetic and thus nature has it roles. However, parents who are short does not necessarily mean will have kids that will be short too. If kids are given proper food, they exercise well and they remain active so they can affect their body size. Thus nurture has its role as well. (Sharpe) As for diet, your appetite is affected both by nature and nurture. In some families, they love to eat so their kids are mostly likely to eat as well. People who generally have tendencies to put on weight usually have low metabolic rate and their genes can be passed on to children. Hence nature plays it role but if the kids control their appetite, exercise well they can adapt their body and bring changes. This is where nurture plays its role. (www. answers. com) How to cite â€Å"Hunger† from a Scientific Biopsychological Perspective, Papers