Saturday, December 21, 2019

how to raise a child Essay - 647 Words

Amy Chuas article Why Chinese Mothers are Superior appeared in the Wall Street Journal on January 8, 2011. When this article was published the controversy began. One article in argument to Amy Chuas was James Bernard Murphys article In Defense of Being a Kid which also appeared in the Wall Street Journal on February 9, 2011. Murphy contends by stating Amy Chuas method of how to raise a child will do nothing but turn children into neurotic, self-absorbed and unhappy adults. James Murphy, author of In Defense of Being a Kid and professor of government at Dartmouth College argues that children should live childhood and enjoy childhood innocence, not be pressured or forced to prepare for their adulthood†¦show more content†¦I disagree because that is exactly how I grew up. Yes we did have responsibilities on the farm, but when chores were done we did what we wanted to do. We were taught what was right and what was wrong. I believe if you are raised with good morals, resp ect for yourself and others you can be very successful. I feel the drive to succeed comes from a supportive family and the want to be successful at what you love to do, not what you are forced to do. Murphy uses logic with the comparison of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle and Jesus. Two of which did not have the same beliefs of children. I disagree with Aristotle when he said no child is happy, the only time a child is happy is when they have thoughts of the achievements as an adult. When a child is given space it gives them the opportunity to imagine, to think outside of the box and capable for intellectual activity. We have to encourage and embrace their uniqueness and imagination or as Jesus did praise our children. I strongly agree with Murphys fourth thought, We forget that most of us produced our best art, asked our deepest philosophical questions, and most readily mastered new gadgets when we were mere children. (Murphy 279) As children we are more carefre e and have lessShow MoreRelatedChildraising687 Words   |  3 Pages The way to raise a child is different form the three texts. The topic of the three texts is freedom and love. It is how you chose to interpret the texts. I think it is love because every parents use love to raise their Childs. To have a mother who decide everything in your childhood. To parents who give you all the space you need to be free and live your childhood completely. The three texts are just some few examples of raise a child. You cannot find a guide to raise a child. To have a â€Å"tigerRead MoreEssay on Babies in the Workplace927 Words   |  4 Pagesallowing, some are even encouraging, their employees to bring their newborn babies to work with them. This is probably one of the greatest changes in child care norms that this country has seen in the past 30 years. 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