Saturday, May 16, 2020

My Experience With Formal Training - 1504 Words

Growing up in my home we never really danced all that much. We didn’t do any dances native to our heritage of Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Italy, and France. Even though there are many rich dances from each of these cultures, my family never partook in them aside from the occasional funky chicken at weddings and parties, but even then we weren’t much into dancing. I never thought about formal training in dance when I was little either. It wasn’t until much later when I found my way into dance. My introduction into dance was less through my family or the studio and more through the way of my identity and a select few experiences. Then once I was introduced to dance I went on to familiarize myself with many different styles. My definition of identity is where one’s identity is an amalgamation of one s experiences, whether those be cultural, social, or familial in addition to the specific details that are ingrained in our genes from birth. We learn, make decis ions, and deal with things according to two stimuli: Nature and Nurture which guide our identities. This ties back to me by way of my sexual identity. Growing up I was made fun of a lot because of part of my identity, more specifically the way I spoke, moved, and looked. This is where my â€Å"dance† story begins. In our dance studies the question of â€Å"How we define dance† constantly arises. In my story dance takes on many forms. Firstly, it comes in the form of innate and intrinsic movement, or embodied personality.Show MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Training Specialist1095 Words   |  5 Pageshired as a Training Specialist I for Cardinal Bank in September of 2014. I believe part of my success in landing the job was because of new theories I had learned in the Human Resources Development program. Before working at Cardinal, I had no banking experience. 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