Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Taking a Look at Gun Control - 1263 Words

Gun control is one of the most controversial topics in our country. There are two main views. The first is the view as it is said in the United States Constitution, they guns should be legal for civilian ownership. The second view, and the severity of its enforcement varies from person to person, it that gun control should be enacted. This could just mean smaller magazines, to no semi-automatic guns, or even to a complete ban. The founding father’s view is basically what is still used today. Guns are allowed, but some states have much stricter regulations on them. Guns are necessary in a country, because of the constitution, and for the purposes of self defense and national security. The Founding Fathers of our country had a very obvious view on gun rights. In the second amendment, it clearly says that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed (Pendergast 30). This statement does not need to be interpreted to grasp their opinion. They believ ed that guns were a necessary part of the country, and they said it in the constitution. The constitution is the highest law in the land, and what it says is final when viewed by the supreme court, the highest court in the land. The reasoning for this amendment was to keep a well-regulated militia (Pendergast 30). One of the founding fathers, Joseph Story, has a relevant quote. He said, â€Å"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties ofShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Gun Control1226 Words   |  5 Pageswater in abundance. For healthcare, I will work on improving the Obama care system and provide health care for every living, breathing American. I will do my best to enforce the affordable healthcare act. The Affordable Care Act allows consumers control over their health care options. There should not be an insurance company who won’t cover a person because of a disease that they have. 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Guns are extremely powerful weaponsRead MoreThere Are Four Main Ideological Perspectives In The Political1302 Words   |  6 Pagesgovernmental health care. They would prefer the government take a few steps back when it comes to providing the public with things like welfare, social security, or health care. Conservatives want the government to have more control in social issues and therefore the control on abortion and gay marriage. They also want to maintain traditional â€Å"American† values and like the government to provide people with freedom to make their own decisions in order to reach their goals. These are two general explanationsRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control951 Words   |  4 PagesGun control has been a big topic for the past decade in the united states. These debates will rise and fall time in and time out after something horrific happens in the state. Anti-Gun supporters do not realize that it is extremely difficult to regulate something in the states that i s a big portion of our economy.Would stricter gun laws change anything? So far statistically It has been proven otherwise one must consider how a citizen would defend themselves when they are faced with terror. How willRead MoreWe Must Stop Gun Control967 Words   |  4 Pagescommitted suicide with a gun and nearly half a million people suffered other gun injuries(4,name) And this is no surprise,as this nation continues to grow rapidly in number.But this nation must not continue to let these statistics to rise,nevertheless continue homicide victims [to be] armed in disappropriate numbers:[as] large and growing proportion of victims are criminals themselves(Polsby,2)The people of the nation must take action by drawing a limit and supporting gun control,for it not only affects

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